“What The Chord” is All About

Welcome my friend!

I’m Vedran Gavrić and I’m the founder of WhatTheChord.com. Do you ask yourself these questions: 

  • Is it possible to be great guitar player if I didn’t have traditional musical education?
  • Where do I start learning with all the confusing information out there and the vast extent of music theory?
  • Why is guitar so hard to play and how to understand it in a simple way?
  • How do I build confidence to play in front of the audience and will I ever be good enough guitar player?

If so, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re a self taught, semi-pro or an occasional guitar player, you probably want your guitar playing to sound great, to know what are you supposed to do any time you pick up the guitar, and you probably don’t want to spend a lot of money on learning. Good thing you’re living in a time where the tools for learning are available on every corner and anyone can learn with the right mindset, and a bit of good guidance.

Here’s How “What The Chord” Can Help You Become Better Guitarist… Right Now!

With lessons becoming increasingly accessible and intuitive, you can now master the guitar from the comfort of your home, while paying practically next to nothing, and avoiding going to fancy expensive music schools. This has opened doors for musicians and bands to push their creativity to new heights.

But are you getting the results you want?

You likely already have a burning desire and passion to master your instrument to such extent that you can step in front of any audience, even on the big stage, and shine with your guitar! You just need the training. But who wants to sit through thousands of hours of practice, watch all the videos and tutorials, or read all the books on the subject to learn the best methods? Instead…

Subscribe to What The Chord and get this Guide to Learning The Essentials of the Fretboard and Guitar Progression with Innovative Approach completely free.

You’ll get my years of experience, training, performing, failing and succeeding - all distilled into the simplified presentation of proven methods, diagrams, tactics, mindsets, and philosophies so you can turn your playing into a highly valuable musical skill.

Let Me Fast Track You On The Road To Becoming Pro Guitarist

The cool thing about it is, if you follow trough my innovative system, you’ll actually get results. This guide is free and you have nothing to lose, and a lot of insight to gain.

My email subscribers will get my best information, unique stuff with clear steps on how to make action and get you to the place you want to be.

If you are someone who takes action and demands results, then my material is for you.

There Are No Excuses - Anyone Can Play The Guitar!

I have an unusual approach to the guitar.

It is not burdened with the need to know it all, I just enjoy it. Sure, there are many players who can play with more complexity than I can, but I learned not to compare my playing to others and I chose a stress-free learning curve. That got me to a position where I can learn in my own pace, find my own way, and ended up with the ability to actually play anything I want with ease. Trough the decades of playing I deducted what really needs to be thought to sound powerful so I created my own musical foundation - a method that keeps me steady on the ground while performing anywhere, to anyone, in any musical piece.

What I truly want to teach you is that there is simplicity underneath what appears to be complex, and anyone can learn to play the guitar. 

I emphasize the importance of barre chords as they are the essence of playing, and even though they can appear hard at first, they’re actually not - once you learn one, you’ll know them all. Avoiding them is not the solution, even though it may seem tempting. I found the simple patterns that unmistakably work and are so obvious, that I wonder how nobody ever talked about them before. I felt the need to share them with you, as you could otherwise spend years trying to master the secret.

New generation of guitarists and songwriters should know that going trough traditional music schools to learn how to read sheet music and gather more complex theoretic explanations is not the best way nor a condition to be able to play amazingly their favorite songs, to write new ones or to make outstanding music with their creativity - what I aim for to teach you is that simplicity will bring you closer and faster to your goal of playing guitar with excellence.

Why Am I Teaching This?

I want to eliminate any excuse prohibiting great talent from showing up, taking their place on the stage and sharing their amazing music and uniqueness. Music is nothing else but love in different form. And your success is my success. So often, hardship is just another excuse.

“If I only had more time to practice. If only my fingers were a bit longer. If I only had more money to pay for the music school. If only I had the talent!”

I dare to say, you already have everything you need to become a great guitar player. You just need a new way of thinking. “What The Chord” will change the way you think about playing, performing, songwriting, recording and generally about making music.

If you’re ready to get started then sign up for the email list and let’s get back to playing.

About Vedran Gavrić

What the Chord was founded by me, Vedran Gavrić, a guitar player based in San Diego, California, born in a small Southeastern European country of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Architect by degree and a life long singer/songwriter and musician by passion, I’ve been playing guitar and performing live for over two decades now all around the world, from Vienna to New York. I started my own music studio and produced many songs for radio, TV and theater, I’ve taught guitar to students along the way, and not so long ago, I started creating and sharing my musical content on social media channels @GavricMusic. I felt like it’s the right time to share my knowledge and experience with you because I want you to be able to play effortlessly as I do, and achieve your long awaited musical dream.

I’ve created a guitar system that I believe will be a powerful tool in the hands of the young guitar enthusiast - it’s a system of unexplored guitar’s patterns, that nobody seems to have discussed before, and I’ve searched thoroughly. They’ve helped me on my journey of understanding the simplicity of musical theory and the guitar playing in an innovative way and I’m sharing them here with you, in my free guide. My main mission is indeed giving you the knowledge to be able to do the same, and more. Once you see the possibilities, there is a big chance that you will outgrow me and my playing, and I want that for you – as I said, your success is my success!

If you’re looking for the truth about what it takes to become a skillful guitar player, then you’re going to love my way of thinking and teaching.

This material works, and the way to get all of my best information is to sign up for the mailing list. You’ll instantly get my guide to guitar progression in 5 steps completely free.