Learn Simplified Guitar Logic

Always Know What Chord to Play and Where! 

Revealing Unexplored Guitar Secrets

FREE GUIDE: Discover the 5 Essential Steps to Master Chord Progressions and Memorize Them Forever with The New Innovative Guitar System.

Here’s Where to Start

When it comes to guitar fretboard, there’s a bigger picture that no one seems to be talking about - and it is a rather simple one. With watching just this one video, your guitar knowledge will progress, and you’ll already learn so much about how this instrument works. The video is made to demonstrate the geometric approach to guitar progression in practice.

Free Lessons

Ready for the next step? Learn how to play, loop, record your guitar or build your home studio, and more with free YouTube lessons.

“What The Chord” is All About?

Find out about the mission, methods, and the results of two and a half decades of perfecting guitar playing.

Even If you don’t have time to practice your guitar every day, you’ll still benefit greatly from reading this guide, as it will help you understand the simplicity and the principles of the chords, with numerous in-depth graphic illustrations, so next time you grab your guitar you’ll easily be able to apply these new and innovative patterns in no time.
